Psychic Spiritual Life Coaching

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Psychic Spiritual Life Coaching

In a world that celebrates beauty and achievements, it’s easy to feel lost. It’s all too easy to beat yourself up about what you perceive to be your failures and weaknesses. If you want to put your past life where it belongs - in the past - and move forward to new successes and great fulfillment, a psychic life coach is a great ally. Life coaching with psychic services is a powerful way to harness spirituality with mental strength to increase understanding, affect change and achieve growth. Amanda is an empath who is experienced in coaching clients to help them overcome limiting beliefs and sabotaging behaviors to find self-love and new life aims.
If you have any of these feelings, you can benefit from a spiritual coaching program:
  • You feel a sense of loss or something is missing in your life but don’t know what
  • You want to be more than you are
  • You hide much of your true self from the world
  • You haven’t achieved as much as you had hoped by now
  • Your successes leave you unfulfilled
  • You lack true connection in your relationships
  • Your inner critic is never quiet
  • You feel unworthy
  • You feel like a victim all the time
Not only are these feelings negative but they also damage your well-being and are harmful to your life, love and career goals. If you want to improve your relations with loved ones, need to improve your prospects at work and invest more in becoming your authentic self, a psychic life coach will help you toward a happier, more fulfilling life.

What is spiritual life coaching?

Spiritual life coaching is the traditional role of a life coach with a spiritual element included. A traditional life coach also called a lifestyle guru) will use various techniques to help their client make progress in achieving greater fulfillment their life purpose. They might use a number of techniques including motivational encouragement, counseling, SWAT analysis, feedback and goal setting. A psychic medium will also embrace some of these coaching tools but will also use other powerful tools to help people connect to their higher self to help them along their life path including tarot readings, meditation, and chakra balancing.

Areas of your life a spiritual life coach
can help with

Life coaching sessions can help with any area of your life you feel will benefit from spiritual growth. Whether you’re feeling dissatisfied with where you are or your emotional journey is unsatisfactory, a psychic life coach can offer insights that can help you make positive and practical changes.

Major fields of concern are:

Building self-worth and confidence Self-forgiveness and self-compassion Mindfulness and emotional regulation
Intimacy and connection / Family dynamics / Parenting / Maternal health / Divorce
General Wellness
Holistic wellness / Nutrition / Workplace wellbeing

What happens during a psychic spiritual life coaching session?

A spiritual life coach will guide you to see the positive in your life when you're struggling to feel good. A certified life coach will examine your habits, behaviors and goals but with a psychic reading, a spiritual life coach will delve into your connection to the divine and your deep-rooted beliefs. As an intuitive life coach, Amanda will then help you to identify and articulate your goals. If you want a promotion at work or better relationships with colleagues, Amanda will act as a career coach. If you want improved ties with family members, Amanda will help you explore the opportunities that destiny can provide you if you’re willing to embrace them. If you want to change your current special relationship or find new love, Amanda will use her powers to advise you on making deeper and more meaningful connections. You will get the most out of a coaching session if you are completely open to the process. You will need to also be absolutely honest in answering questions to enable Amanda to help you help yourself and also set achievable goals for a brighter future. Your coaching session will be a safe environment, private and confidential to only you and Amanda. There are no judgments or mockery, just a passing of enlightenment to enable you to connect with your inner guidance to make changes for the better.
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