Aura Cleansing

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Aura Cleansing Psychic in Los Angeles

For a happy and fulfilling life, your aura needs care. Your spiritual channel should be kept safe so blockages to your positive energy should be avoided. Your aura is your energetic signature and it broadcasts your mood, your emotional state of being. If you are in emotional pain or distress, you might hide it behind a smile or in positive actions but it manifests in your aura. As we navigate our daily life, we pick up energy from living things all around us and these influence our aura. When you feel off and ungrounded you lack the motivation and passion to live your best spiritual life. You cannot turn your aura off, but you can cleanse it and make it feel healthy again. Psychic readings in West Hollywood have proven to be successful in aura cleansing.

What is Your Aura?

Your aura is a layer of electromagnetic energy that surrounds your body. It represents your current emotional vibe. Various philosophies, belief systems and ancient medical systems attach colors to auras with each color representing different elements of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and mood.

The colors may vary according to the belief system but generally, the aura color chart is:
- balance and harmony
- kindness and gentleness
- exuberance and passion
- valor and willfulness
- happiness and positivity
- peacefulness and compassion
- sensitivity and creativity
- intuition and clairvoyance
- spirituality
- exhaustion and sadness
- transformation and change
- greed and selfishness
Because auras are “layers” of energy, you can radiate different colors, meaning different energies are influencing your empathetic state.The brighter your aura, the more positive the influence. The paler your aura, the least wellness you are experiencing in this particular aspect of your spiritual life.
If your aura is brown, black or grey, it is a definite sign you can benefit from aura cleansing.

What is Aura Cleansing?

When you are channeling any kind of negative energy, your aura is disrupted or blocked. It may be due to illness, stress in your work or home life or relationships, jealousy, lethargy, anxiety or a creative blockage. Interaction with loved ones and even baggage from your past life or gossip can inform your aura. Aura cleansing is a form of energy healing. In the vernacular, it is “getting rid of bad vibes”. A cleansed aura will put you more in tune with the world around you and will help you make better choices. Barriers are removed and you will feel empowered to attract more of what you want in life. Your authentic self will be unfettered and you’ll also be more able to look after your aural health.

What Happens During Aura Cleansing

Aura cleansing is a spiritual healing process that needs to take place face-to-face. Your psychic energy healer has to be able to see your aura. You can have a healing session with Amanda in person in the Los Angeles office or via a video call. When Amanda knows your aura color, she will decide which aura cleansing ritual will suit you best. There is no one-size-fits-all method so Amanda will intuitively and knowledgeably choose the right ritual for your best spiritual, mental and emotional care. Psychic mediums do not have the power to change your aura. They work with you to find the paths to unblock your energy channels. The modality of aura cleansing Amanda chooses will help you define actions and goals that will rebalance your aura by channeling your own positive energies and cleaning it of other energies that are not your own. You might be advised that a palm reading or tarot card reading will produce a way to find some of the answers you seek, answers to a quest that is blocking your aura. Other options might be including some crystal healing in your session or chakra balancing. Amanda might lead you through some meditation which is one of the most popular aura cleansing rituals but there might be a case for a higher connection to your physical self, in which case a session of reiki might be a suggestion. Book an aura cleansing session with spiritual life coach Amanda in Los Angeles to bring healing, energy and greater self-appreciation through positive thoughts.
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