Psychic Chakra Balancing

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Psychic Chakra Balancing in Los Angeles

When you don’t seem to be winning at life but don’t know why, it’s hard to decide on the best remedial action. When the cause isn’t obvious, whether it’s physical or mental, getting back on track isn’t easy. Chakra balancing, also known as chakra aligning is a powerful way to take charge of your life. A psychic reading can tap into the chakras to harness and shift your energy in the direction you want it to go, enabling spiritual healing and changing your mindset to achieve positive outcomes.

What is Chakra Balancing?

When your chakras are balanced, life is smooth and you don’t have trouble finding solutions. If your chakras are out of balance, you may feel off, physically, emotionally or spiritually. When your chakras are unbalanced, you may experience illness, relationships are stressful or strained, work may be difficult, there may be financial difficulties and there’s a lack of spiritual growth or fulfillment. There are 7 chakras and each is related to specific areas of the body and areas of our lives. When one or more is out of balance, it can manifest in illness in the related part of the body and failure in the corresponding area of life. Chakra balancing can help to unlock blocked chakras to dispel negative energies that may be hindering your life and interfering with your health, success and happiness. Psychic Amanda can undertake a chakra reading to determine what chakras are off and which ones are still on, working out the imbalance and helping you to develop actions to rebalance them.

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices. The word comes from Sanskrit meaning wheel and they are energy centers in the human body.

There are seven chakras, their position and what they represent:
- above the top of the head
- spirituality
Third eye
- between the eye brows
- psychic presence
- throat
-expression and impression
- breast area
- love and balance
Solar plexus
- behind the solar plexus
- freedom of will
- just below the navel
- sexuality
- base of the spine
- the primal existence
The chakras are seen as spinning wheels of energy that should remain open for the free flow of energy and when aligned there will be harmony between the mind, spirit and physical body. When energy isn’t free-flowing, the chakras are described as being “blocked”. Blocked chakras trigger mental, emotional and physical imbalance, affecting your overall well-being. There are various methods of chakra healing, for example, meditation, yoga, reiki and aromatherapy but a psychic can also provide energy healing.

Chakra Balancing by Amanda

Psychic mediums will use a number of methods and tools to identify how best to proceed with balancing your chakras. The method may depend on whether the consultation takes place over the phone or in person in the Hollywood offices. In face-to-face healing sessions, Amanda may use palm readings, reiki healing and tea leaf reading among others. Over the phone, she may use clairvoyance, crystal healing and/or tarot card readings, to identify out-of-balance chakras so you can work together to realign them. As she learns more about you, Amanda will understand whether she needs to participate in your consultation as a life coach addressing general issues or whether you need a relationship reading. When symptoms of imbalanced chakras have physical manifestations, Amanda will not make a medical diagnosis but will concentrate on channeling her spiritual healing. If your chakras are out of balance, contact Amanda for help, today.
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